Coming Up on Zoom
recent Meetings
The Enigma of Beauty — May 15, 2021
We will turn once more to discuss Friedrich Schiller’s Letters on the Aesthetic Education of the Human Being.
The Stars of the 1790s — May 01, 2021
Brian Gray will join us to give a presentation. We will celebrate Novalis’ birthday on May 2 with an artistic evening of music, poetry, art, and fellowship.
Finding a path — April 24, 2021
We welcome Clifford Venho once again to our meeting. He will join us to give a presentation on Christian Morgenstern.
Poetry Night — April 17, 2021
There will a reading of original poetry during this session as well as further announcements for the future.
Orpheus, Rilke, Novalis — April 10, 2021
Easter issue of Stil magazine devoted to the poet Rilke, publication of The Fairies by Ludwig Tieck and other announcements…
A Secret Word — March 20, 2021
Terry will join our meeting to give a presentation and also share a paper on “The Literary Arts and Humanities as Spiritual Science”.
The Enchanted Garden — March 13, 2021
We will spend the entire evening on the text of The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily. We will listen to selections from a brand-new translation, complete but still in revision.
Rudolf Steiner’s First Address — March 6,2021
We will discuss The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily and also Rudolf Steiner’s First Address in order to better understand Goethe’s Fairy Tale.
A Night with Novalis — February 27, 2021
Poet/translator Clifford Venho will join us for a special evening to discuss his translation of Hymns to the Night by Novalis.
Anthroposophy? Buddhism? Worlds Apart?
"Stone Soup" / photo bruce donehower Dear Friends, This is an edited abridgment of the commentary on Lecture Nine from the lecture cycle "According to Luke"...
A Poem for Peace / by Wilbert Lambrechts (Belgium)
"Feuervogel" by Marc Chagall, 1945 "WERELDOORLOG 1917" "World War 1917" Dear Friends, Belgian poet and Section representative Wilbert Lambrechts...
“The Karmic Biography of Novalis & Rudolf Steiner’s Last Address”
Goetheanum Dear Friends, At the very beginning of the COVID crisis, Novalis entered our North American Section work. Much to my surprise! During the...
Friends and members of the Section for the Literary Arts and Humanities of the School for Spiritual Science in North America have met regularly and continuously in Fair Oaks since 2010. In March 2020, we opened our meetings to Section friends and members worldwide by use of Zoom.
Our meetings have a hybrid character—local friends and members attend in-person and distant friends and members use Zoom. Livestreaming is availbable for some events.
Our Meetings
For the past twelve years, the local Section for Literary Arts & Humanities group in Fair Oaks has met continuously — and often weekly! Join the conversation!
Do get in touch if you have observations or wish to know more using our Contact Form.