Books & Essays

“Atlantis” by Novalis

"Atlantis" / Artwork by Marion Donehower (Visual Arts Section)   Purchase or Preview     On May 21, 2022, friends and members of the Section for the Literary Arts and Humanities of the School for Spiritual Science in North America continued their...

“Dante and Giotto; A Conversation” An Essay by Albert Steffen

"Flight into Egypt" / Giotto   "Dante and Giotto; A Conversation" by Albert Steffen   The most wonderful example of how a poet and painter, complementing each other in word and picture, can learn from one another is perhaps that of Dante and Giotto. A...

New Owen Barfield Books / by Jeffrey Hipolito

  “Jeffrey Hipolito has produced a meticulous analysis of the creative oeuvre of Owen Barfield, the man known as ‘the first and last Inkling.’ While I was familiar with Barfield’s philosophy, I knew little about his extensive creative output; Hipolito has...

“Celebrating the Mountain”

A book prepared especially for the 2024 North American Section Conference   Dear Friends, Here is the book prepared for our 2024 North American Section Conference. It includes poems and essays by Section friends and members. Christiane Haid included her essay the...