Artwork: "Green Snake" by Marion Donehower Dear Friends: Here is a summary of the recent Section for Literary...

Artwork: "Green Snake" by Marion Donehower Dear Friends: Here is a summary of the recent Section for Literary...
"Palimpsest" / photo bruce donehower Dear Friends, Part One / Jeffrey Hipolito gave a presentation with this title...
"Stone Soup" / photo bruce donehower Dear Friends, This is an edited abridgment of the commentary on Lecture Nine from...
"Feuervogel" by Marc Chagall, 1945 "WERELDOORLOG 1917" "World War 1917" Dear Friends, Belgian poet and...
Goetheanum Dear Friends, At the very beginning of the COVID crisis, Novalis entered our North American Section...
Artwork: "Die Feuerpredigt" by Marion Donehower Lecture Eight World History in the Light of Anthroposophy...
"Writing on the Wall; Dornach Hill, 2024" / photo Bruce Donehower Dear Friends, On November 2, 2024 friends and...
Dear Friends, While a full report and a "Proceedings of the Conference" lie yet ahead, here are recordings of the two...
Announcement Artwork: "Tamalpais" by Marion Donehower "The Genius of Language"* A North American Conference of...
Artwork: Francis Barraud (1856-1924) August, 2024 Dear Friends, At our Section Meeting on August 3, 2024, Mark...
"Poetry Nite" Artwork by Marion Donehower June 22, 2024 Dear Friends, Several times each year, the Section has...