“Stone Soup” / photo bruce donehower
Dear Friends,
This is an edited abridgment of the commentary on Lecture Nine from the lecture cycle “According to Luke” that I gave during the Faust Branch Holy Night celebrations on January 4, 2025 on Zoom. This night was also a meeting night for the North American Section for the Literary Arts and Humanities of the School for Spiritual Science. I was asked at the last minute by the Faust Branch to substitute for a presenter who was ill. “According to Luke” is the SteinerBooks title for the series of ten lectures on the Luke Gospel that Rudolf Steiner gave in Basel in 1909. The original, extended version of this commentary was presented at the Zoom meeting. I have shortened it and edited it for this public video.
Material from this presentation will flow into the 2025 North American Section Conference in San Francisco, May 9-12, 2025. Information about the 2025 Conference (and information about the previous 2024 Conference) is on this website.
Victorious Spirit!
Flame through the impotence
Of irresolute souls!
Burn out the ego addiction.
Ignite compassion,
That selflessness,
The life stream of humanity
May rule
As the wellspring
Of spiritual rebirth!
(Buddhistic?) Verse by Rudolf Steiner