Easter, 2024 Dear Friends, On May 2, 2021, Section friends and members celebrated the 249th anniversary of the...
Introduction to Novalis
Artwork: "Blue Flower 1" by Marion Donehower A (very) Brief Introduction To the Poet Hailed Repeatedly...
“Atlantis” by Novalis
"Atlantis" / Artwork by Marion Donehower (Visual Arts Section) Purchase or Preview On May 21,...
Happy Birthday, Novalis! / 2022
2022 / 250th Birthday Year Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenberg; born May 2, 1772) In celebration,...
“Geistliche Lieder” by Novalis
Performance Video by Section Artists Posted in 2021 commemoration of the 249th Birthday of Novalis
“Novalis, Magical Idealism, & Rudolf Steiner’s Last Address” / A Five-Part Video Lecture Series by Bruce Donehower, Ph.D.
Novalis Friedrich von Hardenberg; May 2, 1772 Celebrating the 250th Anniversary Birthday Year Novalis is the...
“Hyacinth & Rosebud” by Novalis
"Hyacinth and Rosebud" / Artwork by Marion Donehower (Visual Arts Section) Purchase or Preview What is...
Novalis & The Healing Art of Fairytale
"The fairytale is mightier than philosophy!" -- Bruce Donehower, after Novalis This 20-minute lecture...
Happy Birthday, Novalis! / 2021
On May 2, 2021 the friends and members of the Section for Literary Arts and Humanities group in Fair Oaks met to...
A Night with Novalis
“When the Morning Stars Sang Together” by William Blake Here is a summary of the recent Section for Literary Arts...
Novalis, Schlegel, Shakespeare: A Fellowship of the Word
“Catching the Thanksgiving Turkey” by Grandma Moses Here is a summary of the recent Section for Literary Arts &...