New Owen Barfield Books / by Jeffrey Hipolito


“Jeffrey Hipolito has produced a meticulous analysis of the creative oeuvre
of Owen Barfield, the man known as ‘the first and last Inkling.’ While
I was familiar with Barfield’s philosophy, I knew little about his extensive
creative output; Hipolito has immersed himself in the literary traditions
that shaped Barfield’s creative oeuvre, deftly contextualizing it for his


Donna L. Potts, Professor and Chair, Department of English,
Washington State University— author of Howard Nemerov
and Objective Idealism: The Influence of Owen Barfield


Dear Friends,

Section member Jeffrey Hipolito has recently published two new books on Owen Barfield. The books are available on Amazon at the links below. 

Jeffrey is the son of long-time Section members Jane and Terry Hipolito. Jane and Terry were very important to the Section work in Southern and Northern California, and Jane played a very important role in the founding of the Section for the Literary Arts and Humanities of the School for Spiritual Science in North America. She was also very active in reorganization of the North American Section work in 2019.

Congratulations, Jeffrey!


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Owen Barfield influenced a diverse range of writers that includes T. S. Eliot, J. R. R. Tolkien, W. H. Auden, Howard Nemerov, and Saul Bellow, and Owen Barfield’s Poetry, Drama, and Fiction is the first book to comprehensively explore and assess the literary career of the “fourth Inkling,” Owen Barfield. It examines his major poems, plays, and novels, with special attention both to his development over a seventy-year literary career and to the manifold ways in which his work responds with power, originality, and insight to modernist London, the nuclear age, and the dawning era of environmental crisis. With this volume, it is now possible to place into clear view the full career and achievement of Owen Barfield, who has been called the British Heidegger, the first and last Inkling, and the last Romantic.

From the book description on Amazon



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The first book to offer an overview, at once introductory and comprehensive, of the philosophical thought of Owen Barfield, sometimes known as the “first and last Inkling” and as the “British Heidegger.” Beginning by placing Barfield’s early poetics in the context of the critical hurly-burly of modernist London of the 1920s, Owen Barfield’s Poetic Philosophy: Meaning and Imagination shows how Barfield’s subsequent development of a philosophy of history, metaphysics, and ethics culminates in his development of a poetic cosmology. Hipolito situates Barfield’s poetic philosophy in relation to his significant contemporaries (and predecessors) including T.S. Eliot, D.H. Lawrence, I.A. Richards, Jean Paul Sartre, Martin Heidegger and Ernst Cassirer, bringing to light for the first time many important aspects of Barfield’s thought. The book concludes with an analysis of the Burgeon trilogy, in which Barfield recapitulates the themes and arguments of his poetic philosophy by exemplifying them in three genre-defying works of fiction. Structured chronologically and giving a systematic examination of Barfield’s thought, Owen Barfield’s Poetic Philosophy paints a much-needed picture of a major thinker and poet, who was entirely engaged with his times and who remains crucially relevant to our own.

— From the book description on Amazon


