
“Owen Barfield & the ‘Meaning’ Crisis” / Jeffrey Hipolito

"Palimpsest" / photo bruce donehower Dear Friends, Part One / Jeffrey Hipolito gave a presentation with this title "Owen Barfield and the 'Meaning' Crisis" at  our Section meeting on December 7, 2024. Jeff is a member of the Section leadership team, and, as noted...

A Poem for Peace / by Wilbert Lambrechts (Belgium)

"Feuervogel" by Marc Chagall, 1945   "WERELDOORLOG 1917" "World War 1917"   Dear Friends, Belgian poet and Section representative Wilbert Lambrechts is one of the eleven Section poets who participated in an All Souls Poetry Night that originated in Dornach,...

“The Karmic Biography of Novalis & Rudolf Steiner’s Last Address”

Goetheanum   Dear Friends, At the very beginning of the COVID crisis, Novalis entered our North American Section work. Much to my surprise! During the first year of COVID, a very dedicated group of Section members and friends met weekly on Zoom for more than a...

“Reset or Renaissance” by Daniel Polikoff

Available from Steinerbooks Reset or Renaissance Life, Liberty, and the Quest for Enlightenment in a Post-Covid World Reset or Renaissance offers a real-time chronicle of events unfolding during the heated core of the Covid pandemic: the latter half of 2021, shortly...