Books & Essays

“Small Latin and Less Greek” by Clifford Venho

Clifford Venho works as an editor at SteinerBooks. Clifford joined our Section meetings in the past as a special guest. He talked about Hymns to the Night by Novalis, the poet Christian Morgenstern, and the recent work on The Collected Works of Rudolf Steiner. In this...

“The Dawn of the Beautiful: A Utopian Future?” by Christiane Haid

Artwork: "The Floating World" by Marion Donehower    "In the context of the present dire world situation in which we witness ever-present threats of destruction and darkness, thoughts about Beauty and the Beautiful assume an aura of utopian speculation. On the...

The Foundation Stone Meditation and the Challenges of Our Time

Edited by Arie van Amerigen and Christiane Haid   How to purchase the book . . . CFAE / Rudolf Steiner Bookstore: 5203 240th St. SW, Mountlake Terrace, WA  USA 98043 / (206) 407-7150 Directly from the publisher: Visit Publisher Website...

“Goethe in Paradise”

Artwork: “Das Paradies” (Jena Stadtmuseum) Where Goethe first heard the Will-o-Wisps This essay appears as the Afterword to the recently published new translation of The Fairy Tale by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The Anthroposophical Movement came into existence...