School for Spiritual Science / Goetheanum Dear Friends, Welcome to the beginning of the second quarter of our...

School for Spiritual Science / Goetheanum Dear Friends, Welcome to the beginning of the second quarter of our...
"Flight into Egypt" / Giotto "Dante and Giotto; A Conversation" by Albert Steffen The most wonderful...
"Writing on the Wall; Dornach Hill, 2024" / photo Bruce Donehower Dear Friends, On November 2, 2024 friends and...
“Jeffrey Hipolito has produced a meticulous analysis of the creative oeuvre of Owen Barfield, the man known as...
"Spirits of Place" / Photo by Elliott Tripp Dear Friends: Section friend and member Susan Koppersmith...
Artwork: "Still Life" by Suri Oru Dear Friends, Section friend and member George Reitnour in Pennsylvania...
German Graffiti Pencilled on Wall of Villa Farnesina, Rome. Written after a Sack of Rome. (photo: Bruce Donehower)...
Dear Friends, While a full report and a "Proceedings of the Conference" lie yet ahead, here are recordings of the two...
Announcement Artwork: "Tamalpais" by Marion Donehower "The Genius of Language"* A North American Conference of...
"The Youthful Poet Dreams" by William Blake SATURDAY LOCATION Swedenborgian Church 2701 Lyon Street SUNDAY LOCATION SF...
“I want to kindle every human being From out the spirit of the cosmos That he become a flame, And unfold in fire Her...