Section Meeting Schedule / Winter & Spring 2025

School for Spiritual Science / Goetheanum


Dear Friends,

Welcome to the beginning of the second quarter of our 21st century!

Here is the Schedule for the Section Zoom meetings that originate in Northern California, Fair Oaks. 

Meetings start at 7 pm Pacific — with one exception this year when Christiane Haid will join us for a presentation on the Mystery Dramas by Rudolf Steiner. Meetings last one hour. 

Keep an eye on this website page for changes, including the possible addition of in-person meetings locally or in San Francisco. 

Meetings occur on Zoom unless otherwise noted. Zoom credentials are sent to Section friends, Section members, and interested persons on the Friday before the meeting. 

And . . . 



The 2025 North American Conference
of the Section for the Literary Arts and Humanities
of the School for Spiritual Science
will occur in San Francisco from May 9- 12, 2025.
Details will be announced very soon.
Registration will open in February.




December 31 / January 1 (New Year’s Eve): Special Presentation for the Faust Branch Holy Nights. “Atlantis” by Novalis.

January 4: Bruce Donehower: “The Bodhisattva Dilemma.” Special Presentation for the Faust Branch Holy Nights. Commentary on Lecture 9 from “According to Luke” by Rudolf Steiner. 

January 25: Jeffrey Hipolito will lead a discussion and conversation on “Life and Work of Owen Barfield”



February 1: No Meeting Presently Scheduled

February 8: Bruce Donehower: “Has Romanticism(s) Really Come of Age?”

February 15: Valentine’s Day Poetry Night / Section poets read original poetry (and prose fiction, maybe).

February 22: No Meeting Presently Scheduled / watch for updates



March 1: No Meeting Presently Scheduled / watch for updates

March 8: No Meeting Presently Scheduled / watch for updates

March 15: (tentative) Bruce Donehower: Dornach Novalis Lecture 1: “Ordo Inversus.”

Section friends and members have requested that I share the content of the lectures that I gave in German at the Rudolf Steiner Halde in October and November, 2024. These were two contributions to the seven-lecture series “The Karmic Biography of Novalis and Rudolf Steiner’s Last Address” sponsored by the Section at the Goetheanum. I spoke about some aspects of Novalis that are new to our work in Northern California. This will be a shortened English language version of the German language presentation given for Section members in Dornach. These talks are another step toward the calendared Novalis Conference to be held in Dornach at Pentecost 2026. Hopefully we will  have English-speaking Section friends and members at that conference in 2026! Save the Date!

March 22: (tentative) Bruce Donehower: Dornach Novalis Lecture 2: “Lichtpunkt des Schwebens.”  [see information above]

March 29: Joan Caldarera: “Where are the Youth?” A perspective from a master teacher at the San Francisco Waldorf High School.



April 5: No Meeting Presently Scheduled / watch for updates

April 12: Special Presentation by Section Leader Christiane HaId: “Rudolf Steiner’s Mystery Dramas.” Time to be announced.  Christiane will share thoughts about the recent production of the Mystery Dramas that occurred in late December, 2024, at the Goetheanum.

April 19: No Meeting / Easter

April 26: No Meeting Presently Scheduled / watch for updates



May 3: Robert McDermott and Bruce Donehower. “The Odd Couple: A Conversation about Buddhism and Anthroposophy”

May 9 -12: 2025 North American Section Conference in San Francisco


The 2025 North American Conference
of the Section for the Literary Arts and Humanities
of the School for Spiritual Science
will occur in San Francisco from May 9- 12, 2025.
Details will be announced very soon.
Registration will open in February.


May 11: No Meeting Presently Scheduled / watch for updates

May 18: No Meeting Presently Scheduled / watch for updates

May 25: No Meeting Presently Scheduled / watch for updates



No Meetings Presently Scheduled / watch for updates




