
“Geistliche Lieder” by Novalis

Performance Video by Section Artists   Posted in 2021 commemoration of the 249th Birthday of Novalis

“Novalis, Magical Idealism, & Rudolf Steiner’s Last Address” / A Five-Part Video Lecture Series by Bruce Donehower, Ph.D.

  Novalis Friedrich von Hardenberg; May 2, 1772 Celebrating the 250th Anniversary Birthday Year Novalis is the only true poet of the Romantic school. In him alone the whole soul of Romanticism turned to song, and only he expressed nothing but that soul. The...

“Vasilisa the Beautiful” / A Russian Fairytale

This performance video arises from the meetings of the Fairytale Group during the summer of 2022. The Fairytale Group is an initiative arising from the ongoing work and meetings of the Section for the Literary Arts and Humanities. The Fairytale Group meetings are...

Memory, Transcendence, Clairvoyant Insight

"Fog on the Elbe" / photo by Bruce Donehower     “Forget” / A Moon Poem by Rainer Maria Rilke     Forget   Forget, forget . . . and let us now experience only this . . . how stars penetrate through clarified night sky; how moon shines serene...