“The Blue Nymph” by Marc Chagall
Two sonnets are featured in this performance video. (Part 1, No 8 and Part 2 No 29)
The second sonnet is the final sonnet of the Orpheus cycle.
Nur im Raum der Rühmung [Only in the realm of praising]
Part 1, Sonnet 8. English Translation by Bruce Donehower.
“Only in the realm of praising can lament go forth, the nymph of the weeping spring, watchful of our defeat, that it may shine clear on the rock that bears the gate and the altars. — See, around her calm shoulders comes soon the feeling that she be the youngest of the siblings in the heart. Jubilation knows, and yearning stands steadfast — only lament frets it yet; with maiden fingers she counts the old evils all night long. But suddenly, weird and unpracticed, she lifts into the sky, unclouded by her breath, our voice, as figuration of stars.”
Nur im Raum der Rühmung darf die Klage
gehn, die Nymphe des geweinten Quells,
wachend über unserm Niederschlage,
dass er klar sei an demselben Fels,
der die Tore trägt und die Altäre.—
Sieh, um ihre stillen Schultern früht
das Gefühl, dass sie die jüngste wäre
unter den Geschwistern im Gemüt.
Jubel weiss, und Sehnsucht ist geständig,—
nur die Klage lernt noch; mädchenhändig
zählt sie nächtelang das alte Schlimme.
Aber plötzlich, schräg und ungeübt,
hält sie doch ein Sternbild unsrer Stimme
in den Himmel, den ihr Hauch nicht trübt.
Stiller Freund der vielen Fernen [Silent friend of many distances]
Part 2, Sonnet 29 (Last sonnet in the cycle). English Translation by Bruce Donehower.
“Silent friend of many distances, feel how your breath makes more and yet more distance. In the scaffolds of dark towers: ring, let yourself sound. Whatever eats at you will take its fill in nourishment. Go; change and be done. What eats you the most? If drinking’s bitter, become the wine. Be in this night the excess of enchantment, a strange encounter at the crossroads of sense and mind. And if earthly things forget you, tell the quiet earth: I flow. To the rushing waters speak: I am.”
Stiller Freund der vielen Fernen, fühle,
wie dein Atem noch den Raum vermehrt.
Im Gebälk der finstern Glockenstühle
lass dich läuten. Das, was an dir zehrt,
wird ein Starkes über dieser Nahrung.
Geh in der Verwandlung aus und ein.
Was ist deine leidendste Erfahrung?
Ist dir Trinken bitter, werde Wein.
Sei in dieser Nacht aus Übermass
Zauberkraft am Kreuzweg deiner Sinne,
ihrer seltsamen Begegnung Sinn.
Und wenn dich das Irdische vergass,
zu der stillen Erde sag: Ich rinne.
Zu dem raschen Wasser sprich: Ich bin.
Links to other Rilke Project videos:
Dir aber Herr | Fruhling ist weidergekommen | Atmen
In addition to literary studies, the local Section in Fair Oaks puts a great deal of emphasis on imagination and creativity. These performance videos arise directly from our local Section work. Some of these works were premiered at Section-inspired New Moon Salons. These New Moon Salons, which feature literature and music, will resume when it is safe for us to meet in person. The local Section group in Fair Oaks has inspired a sub-group of artists dedicated to the study and performance of Fairy Tales (Märchen), Myths, Legends. Members of this artistic group also produce performance videos and recordings of poetry and drama.