Section Meeting Schedule / Autumn 2024

German Graffiti Pencilled on Wall of Villa Farnesina, Rome.
Written after a Sack of Rome. (photo: Bruce Donehower)



Dear Friends,

Here is the Schedule for the Section Zoom meetings that originate on the San Juan Heights on the American River in Northern California.

Meetings will continue to start at 7 pm Pacific unless I hear from enough folks in other time zones who want to seriously commit to attending meetings that could occur at a different meeting time. Until that happens, this 7 pm start time is best for the meeting stalwarts who live on the Pacific Rim or thereabouts.

Keep an eye on this website schedule page for changes, including the possible addition of in-person meetings locally or in San Francisco. Meetings occur on Zoom unless otherwise noted.



September 28: Discussion and Review of the recent eight-day 2024 North American Conference

September 29: Bruce Donehower: “Rudolf Steiner’s Last Address”  Michaelmas Festival in San Francisco. San Francisco Waldorf School, Dakin Hall. In person. 



October 5: Publishing in the 21st Century / Experiences of Section Poets and Writers

October 12: Poetry Night for those who can’t attend the AGM in Portland

October 17 – 20: No Zoom meetings for the remainder of October due to Annual Section and Class Meeting in Dornach, Switzerland 

October 29: Bruce Donehower: Lecture on Novalis. “Ordo Inversus” Dornach, Switzerland. In person. German.



November 2: Zoom. “Live from Dornach” / Special Start Time: 9 am Pacific; All Souls Event.

November 5: Bruce Donehower: Lecture on Novalis. “Lichtpunkt des Schwebens” Dornach, Switzerland. In person. German



December 7: Jeff Hipolito will speak about Owen Barfield.

December 14: No Zoom Meeting. Special Event: Poetry Reading in Sausalito. In person only.

December 31: Special Section Offering on New Year’s Eve for Faust Branch Holy Nights. “A Tale Told by the Fireside” 

January 4: Special Section Offering for Faust Branch Holy Nights: Commentary on Lecture Nine from Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on the Gospel of Luke. “Buddhism and Anthroposophy”




