“Buddhism and the Literary Imagination”


“Listen natives of a dry place
from the harpist’s fingers
— W.S. Merwin, “The Boast”
from Writings to An Unfinished Accompaniment


At Our Meeting on May 6:

Robert McDermott and I facilitated a dialogue and discussion on the topic “Buddhism and the Literary Imagination.” I did not make a recording of this meeting.


What’s New?

· “The Meeting” at Spring Valley, Pentecost 2023. (“Meeting for the Movement” / “. . . May 24-28 in Spring Valley with those members of the Collegium, the national Society Councils, representatives from the four regions of Class Holders, and the Council of Anthroposophical Organizations who feel the need for . . . re-forming of our movement. Two members of the Goetheanum Leadership will be present to witness and support our process.”) Clifford Venho will attend as representative from our Section Leadership Group. Patricia Dickson from the Visual Arts Section, who regularly attends our ongoing Saturday meetings for the Literary Arts & Humanities, will also be at “The Meeting” at Spring Valley.

· “The School of Spiritual Science and Its Sections.” Video presentation by Dr. Michaela Glöckler. Special thanks to Dottie Zold and the LA Branch. Click this sentence to watch the video.

· The “Quest for the Grail” International Conference at Dornach, Pentecost 2023. Click this sentence for information.

· The Festival of Initiative in Manitoba, Canada, August 2023. The Section is sponsoring an artistic Creating Together Group with focus on Novalis and Novalis Fairytales. Click this sentence for information.

· The Section Website TheLiteraryArts.com has a redesigned home page to make the site friendlier for mobile devices and to improve navigation.