
“Why Should I Care About Novalis?”

"He hovered. like a cloud . . . like an element of nature, active in rain and sunshine." -- Rudolf Steiner, describing the Prophet Elijah; September 17, 1912     Easter - Pentecost 2024 Dear Friends, This page began as a resource page for students in the...

The Castle Siebeneichen / Where Novalis Wrote “Hymns to the Night,” “Heinrich von Ofterdingen,” & Other Works

  Easter, 2024 Dear Friends, On May 2, 2021, Section friends and members celebrated the 249th anniversary of the birth of Friedrich von Hardenberg, the poet Novalis, by taking a virtual tour of the Castle Siebeneichen.      A Journey to Dresden The...

“Ghost Modernism” / Initiation, Shamanism, & Soul Recovery

"Basel Fastnacht" / Photo by Bertram Mouton   "Along with the feeling of dread for the advent of modernity . . . another important aspect of the modernist attitude -- perhaps the most important aspect for our purposes –  is a turn to mythology and the deep past...

“The Jealousy of the Gods” / “The Jealousy of Human Beings”

Artwork: "Die Feuerpredigt" by  Marion Donehower     Lecture Eight World History in the Light of Anthroposophy With a Brief Literary Critical Commentary   A Presentation to the Faust Branch Of Work Arising from the Section for the Literary Arts and...