Meeting Summaries

Winter Solstice Poetry Night / December 17, 2022

“Poetry arises from the natural action of the human spirit. Does not every human being strive and compose at every moment?” -- Novalis, Heinrich von Ofterdingen   Poetry Night / Winter Solstice Celebration On December 17, 2022, the Section for the Literary Arts...

“The Winged Lion” / Lecture by Robert McDermott

Robert McDermott joined our Section meeting on December 10, 2022 to give a presentation on "The Background to the Gospel of St. Mark," a cycle of lectures given by Rudolf Steiner in various locations during the years 1910-1911. This 30-minute lecture was followed by a...

Going for Water

At our Section Meeting on December 3, 2022 Jennifer Greene from the Natural Science Section spoke to us about water and her lifetime experience as a scientist who researches the physical and spiritual mysteries of water. Jennifer spoke about poetry -- how poetry...

Our First In-Person New Moon Salon! / Well . . . Since the Start of the Covid Crisis

  "The long night had just begun. The old hero struck his shield, and it resounded far and wide through the desolate streets of the city. He made the sign three times.” — Novalis, from Klingsohr’s Fairytale   It was three years ago, at about this time in...