Our meetings for the year 2023 concluded with a Poetry Night & New Moon Salon. Several times each year, the Section has a Poetry Night in which friends and members of the Section read original poetry and in which poetry lovers in the Section read favorite poems....
“Chaos & Kosmos!” Manitoba, 2023
Video of Performance at Fraserwood Hall During the Height of the Festival Peter Selg Presents a Talk on the Christmas Conference at the Manitoba Festival. A Brief Report on the Conference "That Good May Become!" by Bruce Donehower In August 2023,...
Parzival’s Quest / Poetry by Section Poets & Friends
A video made to celebrate the May 2023 Grail Conference at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland. The video includes photos of the Arlesheim grottoes and poems by Section Poets and poet-friends of the Section. The poems were taken to the Grail Conference...
Section Meeting Schedule / Winter-Spring-Summer 2024
Artwork: "The Sun at Midnight" by Marion Donehower Winter/Spring 2024 Meeting Schedule for the Section for the Literary Arts & Humanities of the School for Spiritual Science in North America This schedule might change; so, please keep an eye on the...
La Loba
Artwork: "Self Portrait" Paula Modersohn-Becker Summer 2023 Report from the Section Fairytale Group The Bare Bones This summer the Section Fairytale Group decided to go global. Up until now we have read mostly the Brothers Grimm and some tales from Northern European...
2023 Grail Conference
Photo of Goetheanum in May A Summary of the Section Meeting held on June 17, 2023. “When indecision's in the heart The soul is bound to grieve and smart! Scorned but also well adored Is he whose soul and heart are torn `Twixt light and dark, and neither...
“Buddhism and the Literary Imagination”
“Listen natives of a dry place from the harpist’s fingers rain” — W.S. Merwin, “The Boast” from Writings to An Unfinished Accompaniment At Our Meeting on May 6: Robert McDermott and I facilitated a dialogue and discussion on the topic “Buddhism and the...
Keeping Silent / Earth Day, 2023
At our Section meeting on Saturday April 22, 2023 we shared news about events in the Section and the Class. I did not make a recording of this evening. We started off with a verse by Novalis, and then we enjoyed a selection from a poem by Pablo Neruda, "Keeping...
Spiritual Friendship
Artwork by Marion Donehower (Visual Arts Section) Goethe's Fairytale "The Green Snake and Beautiful Lily." An introductory video made for the Anthroposophical Society in America. A brief introduction to a text that Rudolf Steiner hailed as the "germinal...
Introduction to Novalis
Artwork: "Blue Flower 1" by Marion Donehower A (very) Brief Introduction To the Poet Hailed Repeatedly by Rudolf Steiner As the "Herald of Anthroposophy" Novalis is the only true poet of the Romantic school. In him alone the whole soul of...