Philip Thatcher / “Workshop of the Artist”


Video recording of the presentation given by poet Philip Thatcher at a meeting of the Section for the Literary Arts & Humanities on November 11, 2023.

Philip had prepared this talk for the Festival of Initiative that occurred in Manitoba Canada in August 2023, but he was unable to attend the conference. He spoke these words at our Section meeting instead.


Foundation Stone Meditation
Second Panel
(trans. Philip Thatcher)

Human Soul!
You live in the beat of heart and lung
Which leads you though the rhythms of time
Into the feeling of your own soul-being:
Practise spirit-sensing-presence
In balance of the soul
Where the surging deeds
Of world-becoming
Your own I unite
With the World-I;
And you will truly feel
In human-soul-weaving/creating.

For the Christ-Will in the encircling round
holds sway
In the rhythms of worlds,
bestowing grace upon the soul:
Kyriotetes, Dynamis, Exusiai!
Let there be fired from the east
What through the west is formed,
In Christo morimur.
The spirits of the elements hear it
In east, west, north, south:
May human beings hear it!