Books & Essays

“The Crowning Conclusion of the Karma Studies” by Friedrich Hiebel

"Persona" / photo by Bruce Donehower   "The Mystery of Plato & Aristotle" " . . .the importance of the friendship . . . cannot be overestimated . . . "   -- Christoph Lindenberg, from Rudolf Steiner, Eine Biographie, vol. 1, chapter 3 Easter, 2024 Dear...

“The Poet and the Dead” by Albert Steffen

Artwork: "Monolith X" by Marion Donehower   At the Section meeting on February 24, 2024, we discussed the topic of Literary Modernism in respect to Threshold Experiences and Soul Loss. A variety of twentieth-century modernist poets and novelists were mentioned....

“Toward A Poetics of Wholeness” by Clifford Venho

  Clifford Venho is a poet, eurythmist, and translator. He currently works as managing editor at SteinerBooks and teaches literature at the School for Eurythmy in Spring Valley, NY. Cliff is a member of the collegium of the Section for the Literary Arts and...

“Misty Mountain Musings” / Poetry by Nicholas Morrow

Nichols Morrow premiered and read from his new book of poetry at the Section meeting on November 5, 2022.  The newly published book is available on Amazon. Click this sentence to preview or order.       "It seems often when I speak with someone, when I...