Meeting Summaries

Arvia MacKaye Ege / Pioneer for American Anthroposophy

At our Section meeting on December 2, 2023, I gave a presentation on Arvia MacKaye Ege. This presentation is part of our ongoing Section study of the MacKaye family. For a related video, watch the previously posted Section video introduction to Arvia's father Percy...

“Steps Toward a Poetry of Knowing” / Part Two

Artwork: "Toward Solstice" by unknown artist; private collection     It's Advent, and that’s the time of year when I typically look back over past months and settle a few items on the “To Do” list. One of those items is “Rudolf Steiner’s First Address.” If...

Mark McGivern / “Tolkien’s Hidden Pictures”

  Author McMcGivern from British Columbia joined our Section meeting on November 18, 2023 to present and discuss his book Tolkien’s Hidden Pictures: Anthroposophy and the Enchantment of Middle-earth (SteinerBooks). Here is a recording of Mark's presentation....

Philip Thatcher / “Workshop of the Artist”

  Video recording of the presentation given by poet Philip Thatcher at a meeting of the Section for the Literary Arts & Humanities on November 11, 2023. Philip had prepared this talk for the Festival of Initiative that occurred in Manitoba Canada in August...