“Atlantis” / Artwork by Marion Donehower (Visual Arts Section)
On May 21, 2022, friends and members of the Section for the Literary Arts and Humanities of the School for Spiritual Science in North America continued their Celebration of the 250th Birthday of Novalis (born May 2, 1772) with an ensemble rehearsal reading of the fairytale “Atlantis” from the novel Heinrich von Ofterdingen, freshly translated for the 21st century.
Throughout the summer of 2022, the ensemble worked to transform this Pentecost performance of Atlantis into a Festive Video to celebrate Michaelmas.
The video premiered at our Section Michaelmas meeting on October 1.
The presentation of the video coincides with the publication of “Atlantis” (chapter three in the novel Heinrich von Ofterdingen). The book includes a critical Afterword “The World Must Be Romanticized” that discusses Poetry and the Practice of Spirit Remembrance.
Ensemble members were Patricia Dickson, Margit Ilgen, Marion Donehower, Bruce Donehower. These persons represent three Sections: Literary Arts & Humanities (Beautiful Sciences), Visual Arts, and Performing Arts.
Original German Language Performance
10.2.22 / 5.30.22