Meeting Summaries

“Buddhism and the Literary Imagination”

  “Listen natives of a dry place from the harpist’s fingers rain” — W.S. Merwin, “The Boast” from Writings to An Unfinished Accompaniment   At Our Meeting on May 6: Robert McDermott and I facilitated a dialogue and discussion on the topic “Buddhism and the...

Keeping Silent / Earth Day, 2023

At our Section meeting on Saturday April 22, 2023 we shared news about events in the Section and the Class. I did not make a recording of this evening. We started off with a verse by Novalis, and then we enjoyed a selection from a poem by Pablo Neruda, "Keeping...

Introduction to Novalis

Artwork: "Blue Flower 1" by Marion Donehower     A (very) Brief Introduction  To the Poet Hailed Repeatedly by Rudolf Steiner As the "Herald of Anthroposophy"     Novalis is the only true poet of the Romantic school. In him alone the whole soul of...

Poetry Reading by Peter Rennick

Poet Peter Rennick read his "Valentine" poems at a Section meeting on February 11, 2023 in celebration of Valentine's Day. Here is an MP3 recording of the reading.           Artwork by Suri Oru   3.5.23