“Dance the Orange” / Sonnets to Orpheus


“Tanzt die Orange”
 “Dance the Orange”
Sonnets to Orpheus / Part 1, Sonnet 15 / by Rainer Maria Rilke
Performance Video with Original Music and Translation

Voice: Marion Donehower / Music: Bruce Donehower / Translation: Bruce Donehower



German Text

“Wartet . . . , das schmeckt . . . Schon ists auf der Flucht.
Wenig Musik nur, ein Stampfen, ein Summen—:
Mädchen, ihr warmen, Mädchen, ihr stummen,
tanzt den Geschmack der erfahrenen Frucht!

Tanzt die Orange. Wer kann sie vergessen,
wie sie, ertrinkend in sich, sich wehrt
wider ihr Süsssein. Ihr habt sie besessen.
Sie hat sich köstlich zu euch bekehrt.

Tanzt die Orange. Die wärmere Landschaft,
werft sie aus euch, dass die reife erstrahle
in Lüften der Heimat! Erglühte, enthüllt

Düfte um Düfte! Schafft die Verwandtschaft
mit der reinen, sich weigernden Schale,
mit dem Saft, der die glückliche füllt!”


English Translation by Bruce Donehower

Hold it!
That tastes good.
Ah! Already on the wing . . .
Only a tune, some stamping, a little hum –:

Girls, warm bodied,
Girls, heavy tongued,
Dance the dance of the ripened fruit!
Dance the orange.

Who can forget her?
How she — drowning in flesh —
Teased such denial of her sweetness . . .

You own her!
She’s yours!
Dance the orange.

Let come from you the tropical landscape.
Shine in the ripeness.
Breathe! Bring it home! Glow!
Strip naked to scent —
Breathe it in all.

Bind the shy shuddering purity of skin
With the sap that overflows
And makes it good.


Links to other Rilke Project videos:

Part 1 No. 8 & Part 2 No. 29 | Fruhling ist weidergekommen | Atmen


In addition to literary studies, the local Section in Fair Oaks puts a great deal of emphasis on imagination and creativity. These performance videos arise directly from our local Section work. Some of these works were premiered at Section-inspired New Moon Salons. These New Moon Salons feature literature and music, conversation and snacks. The local Section group in Fair Oaks has inspired a sub-group of artists dedicated to the study and performance of Fairy Tales (Märchen), Myths, Legends. Members of this artistic group also produce performance videos and recordings of poetry and drama.

** Artwork: “Tango” by Frantisek Kupka

“Dance the Orange” Translation © Bruce Donehower, 2023