Poetry Reading by Peter Rennick

Poet Peter Rennick read his "Valentine" poems at a Section meeting on February 11, 2023 in celebration of Valentine's Day. Here is an MP3 recording of the reading.           Artwork by Suri Oru   3.5.23

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Poetry Reading by Philip Thatcher

North American poet Philip Thatcher reads poems from his collections "Fine Matter" and "Good Time" that were inspired by Samuel Hearne (1745 - 1792).  

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“Toward A Poetics of Wholeness” by Clifford Venho

  Clifford Venho is a poet, eurythmist, and translator. He currently works as managing editor at SteinerBooks and teaches literature at the School for Eurythmy in Spring Valley, NY. Cliff is a member of the collegium of the Section for the Literary Arts and...

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“Mystery of the Two Jesus Children”

This Interpretive Commentary on a lecture by Rudolf Steiner on September 5, 1910 in Bern, Switzerland was given at a Holy Night Celebration of the Faust Branch as an offering from the Section for the Literary Arts and Humanities and from the work arising from the...

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Section Meeting Schedule: Winter / Spring 2023

Dear Friends: Here is the Winter/Spring Meeting Schedule for the Section for the Literary Arts & Humanities of the School for Spiritual Science in North America. These are Zoom and hybrid meetings. Meetings will occur 7-8 pm Pacific. This schedule may be revised...

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“Kathleen Raine; Novalis & William Blake”

A presentation given at the Section meeting on November 26, 2022. Kathleen Raine, a poet and scholar, was the founder of the Temenos Institute. In this lecture, I discuss Raine's contribution to the literary arts and humanities, and I discuss her idea of "Tradition."...

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Winter Solstice Poetry Night / December 17, 2022

“Poetry arises from the natural action of the human spirit. Does not every human being strive and compose at every moment?” -- Novalis, Heinrich von Ofterdingen   Poetry Night / Winter Solstice Celebration On December 17, 2022, the Section for the Literary Arts...

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“The Winged Lion” / Lecture by Robert McDermott

Robert McDermott joined our Section meeting on December 10, 2022 to give a presentation on "The Background to the Gospel of St. Mark," a cycle of lectures given by Rudolf Steiner in various locations during the years 1910-1911. This 30-minute lecture was followed by a...

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