
“Hyacinth & Rosebud” by Novalis

"Hyacinth and Rosebud" / Artwork by Marion Donehower (Visual Arts Section)   Purchase or Preview  What is anthroposophy then? It is a marker on a path traveled by those who strive for inner development. This striving can happen as a matter of choice and human...

“Shakespeare & Novalis: A Mysterious Friendship” / Essay by Bruce Donehower

  “Now I begin to intuit what makes Shakespeare so unique. It may awaken in me divinatory powers . . .” – Novalis At the local group’s meeting on November 28, 2020, I presented a brief summary of an essay that originally appeared in the 2001 issue of Das...

Novalis & The Healing Art of Fairytale

"The fairytale is mightier than philosophy!" -- Bruce Donehower, after Novalis     This 20-minute lecture video is from a Section meeting held in Fair Oaks on November 20, 2020.   Lecture by Bruce Donehower (20 min)...

Happy Birthday, Novalis! / 2021

On May 2, 2021 the friends and members of the Section for Literary Arts and Humanities group in Fair Oaks met to celebrate the 249th birthday of Friedrich von Hardenberg, the poet Novalis (May 2, 1772). This “New Moon Salon” occurred on Zoom – an artistic hour of...