Timeline of Meeting Summaries

“Buddhism and the Literary Imagination”

  “Listen natives of a dry place from the harpist’s fingers rain” — W.S. Merwin, “The Boast” from Writings to An Unfinished Accompaniment   At Our Meeting on May 6: Robert McDermott and I facilitated a dialogue and discussion on the topic “Buddhism and the...

Keeping Silent / Earth Day, 2023

At our Section meeting on Saturday April 22, 2023 we shared news about events in the Section and the Class. I did not make a recording of this evening. We started off with a verse by Novalis, and then we enjoyed a selection from a poem by Pablo Neruda, "Keeping...

Introduction to Novalis

Artwork: "Blue Flower 1" by Marion Donehower     A (very) Brief Introduction  To the Poet Hailed Repeatedly by Rudolf Steiner As the "Herald of Anthroposophy"     Novalis is the only true poet of the Romantic school. In him alone the whole soul of...

Poetry Reading by Peter Rennick

Poet Peter Rennick read his "Valentine" poems at a Section meeting on February 11, 2023 in celebration of Valentine's Day. Here is an MP3 recording of the reading.           Artwork by Suri Oru   3.5.23

Poetry Reading by Philip Thatcher

North American poet Philip Thatcher reads poems from his collections "Fine Matter" and "Good Time" that were inspired by Samuel Hearne (1745 - 1792).  

“Mystery of the Two Jesus Children”

This Interpretive Commentary on a lecture by Rudolf Steiner on September 5, 1910 in Bern, Switzerland was given at a Holy Night Celebration of the Faust Branch as an offering from the Section for the Literary Arts and Humanities and from the work arising from the...

“Kathleen Raine; Novalis & William Blake”

A presentation given at the Section meeting on November 26, 2022. Kathleen Raine, a poet and scholar, was the founder of the Temenos Institute. In this lecture, I discuss Raine's contribution to the literary arts and humanities, and I discuss her idea of "Tradition."...

Winter Solstice Poetry Night / December 17, 2022

“Poetry arises from the natural action of the human spirit. Does not every human being strive and compose at every moment?” -- Novalis, Heinrich von Ofterdingen   Poetry Night / Winter Solstice Celebration On December 17, 2022, the Section for the Literary Arts...

“The Winged Lion” / Lecture by Robert McDermott

Robert McDermott joined our Section meeting on December 10, 2022 to give a presentation on "The Background to the Gospel of St. Mark," a cycle of lectures given by Rudolf Steiner in various locations during the years 1910-1911. This 30-minute lecture was followed by a...

Going for Water

At our Section Meeting on December 3, 2022 Jennifer Greene from the Natural Science Section spoke to us about water and her lifetime experience as a scientist who researches the physical and spiritual mysteries of water. Jennifer spoke about poetry -- how poetry...

Shakespeare / A View from the Stage & Glimpse from the Gallery

Fred Dennehy and I brought Shakespeare back into our Section conversations at the meeting on October 29, 2022,. Fred surveyed the authorship question and then moved to the play Hamlet. Fred has acted in several plays by Shakespeare, and he enlivened the evening with a...

Philip Thatcher / A Poetry Reading

Poet Philip Thatcher joined our meeting to read from his books of poetry Fine Matter and Good Time. Philip's books are available:   Here is a chaptered video of the Evening with Poet Philip Thatcher    Purchase in Canada Les Éditions Perceval...

Poetry Night / June 25, 2022

“Poetry arises from the natural action of the human spirit. Does not every human being strive and compose at every moment?” -- Novalis, Heinrich von Ofterdingen   Poetry Night / St. John's Celebration On June 25, 2022, the Section for the Literary Arts and...

Percy MacKaye / Our American Drama

At the Section meeting on June 11, 2022 I gave a lecture presentation on American poet, playwright, biographer, and impresario Percy MacKaye, along with a look at the extended MacKaye family: Steele MacKaye, Arvia MacKaye, Christy MacKaye, Robin MacKaye, Marion...

“Hyacinth & Rosebud” by Novalis

"Hyacinth and Rosebud" / Artwork by Marion Donehower (Visual Arts Section)   Purchase or Preview  What is anthroposophy then? It is a marker on a path traveled by those who strive for inner development. This striving can happen as a matter of choice and human...

Steps Toward a Community of Poets

  “It is really quite unfortunate,” said Klingsohr, “that poetry has a high brow reputation and that poets are set apart as special types. There is nothing so very mysterious about it. Poetry happens as a natural function of the human mind. Does not every human...

Steps Toward a Temple of the Human

˛ Our April 30, 2022 meeting of the Section for the Literary Arts and Humanities of the School for Spiritual Science in North America featured Arie van Amerigen from Montreal, Canada. Arie spoke to us about his 2021 publication: The Foundation Stone Meditation and the...

Steps Toward A Poetry of Knowing / Part One

Mont Ventoux? At our meeting on April 16 we walked a bit farther up the mountain called Art and Theory of Art: Foundations of a New Aesthetic, lectures by Rudolf Steiner published by SteinerBooks. We surveyed and discussed the Table of Contents and refreshed our...

“An Actor’s Search for Grace” / Lisa Dalton

Meeting Summary / St. Joseph of Arimathea Day At our meeting on March 19, 2022, Lisa Dalton gave a presentation. Lisa, as many of us know, is an actress, theater professional, and Chekhov Acting Method master teacher. She spoke on the topic: “An Actor’s Search for...

Grace & The Mystery of Being Human / Introduction to Heinrich von Kleist

"Grace is the beauty of form under the influence of freedom.” — Friedrich Schiller, from the essay Grace and Dignity (1793) This famous quotation by Friedrich Schiller relates very importantly to our Section meeting on February 19, 2022. The words roll off the tongue...

The Gospel of St. John / Presentation by Robert McDermott

Here is a summary of our meeting of the Section for the Literary Arts and Humanities of the School for Spiritual Science in North America that occurred on Saturday February 5, 2022 on Zoom. Next meeting: February 19, 2022 at 7 pm Pacific. Friend, colleague, and...

“Rock Crystal” by Adalbert Stifter

A New Year's Eve Salon Performance Offered by the Section for the Literary Arts and Humanities; Sponsored by the Faust Branch in Fair Oaks “. . . Adalbert Stifter, a significant writer . . .” -- Rudolf Steiner On New Year Eve 2020, the Section presented to the Faust...

A Carole of Poets: Advent 2021

“The Birds Can Do Nothing But Sing” / A SECTION POETRY READING On December 18, 2021, the Section for the Literary Arts and Humanities of the School for Spiritual Science in North America met by Zoom for a Poetry Night. This was our fourth Poetry Night of the year. We...

“The Actor’s Process” by Fred Dennehy

"The Actor’s Process” by Fred Dennehy https://vimeo.com/653898711 Fred Dennehy is a class reader and longtime member of the Section for the Literary Arts and Humanities of the School for Spiritual Science in North America. He is a member of the Section collegium. Fred...

Poetics of Place / A Ritual Circumambulation

Henry David Thoreau “At a Glance . . .” "I have met but one or two persons in the course of my life who understood the art of Walking, that is, of taking walks—who had a genius, so to speak, for sauntering: which word is beautifully derived from “idle people who...

Philip Thatcher, North American Poet

“Reading the River” photo by Bruce Donehower "At a Glance . . .” On Saturday October 30 poet Philip Thatcher gave a reading of his poetry. Philip also discussed “The Poet’s Process.” Philip is the former General Secretary of the Anthroposophical Society in Canada....

The Genius of Language

“Mary Wollstonecraft in 1790 - 1791” by John Opie "At a Glance . . .” As mentioned in the meeting summary for October 2, this autumn we have returned to themes that were under discussion at our last in-person meeting on March 2020, just prior to Covid isolation. We...

The Art of Memory

“Listen to the Bear” photo by Bruce Donehower "At a Glance . . .” At our recent Section meeting on October 2, 2021, we returned to themes that were under discussion at our last in-person meeting on March 2020, just prior to Covid isolation. We discussed the North...

Meetings, Poetry, & Publications

“For California is a Poem!” Words by Ina Coolbrith. Photo by Bruce Donehower Here is a summary of recent events and a look ahead to autumn, the “season of mists and mellow fruitfulness." A Section for the Literary Arts and Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair...

History of the Literary Arts Section

“A Poem Found Written on a Rock at the American River” / Photo by Bruce Donehower A North American Zoom Meeting for the Section of the Literary Arts and Humanities! On Sunday September 19, 2021, at 1 pm Pacific Time, the collegium of the Section for the Literary Arts...

Report from the Secret Garden

The 2021 Fair Oaks Summer Fairy Tale Group By Marion Donehower “When did it happen? Where did it happen? Did it happen at all? Is it happening now?”   “All fairy tales are dreams from a distant homeland everywhere and nowhere.” -- Novalis _____________ I already...

A Letter Home from Summer Camp, August 2021

“Bolinas Diary,” photo by Bruce Donehower Dear Friends: This mid-summer “letter home from summer camp” Section report will tell you about: Wilhelm Meister Italian Journey Faust / A New Issue of Stil “Why Can’t Henry Sit Still? / The Moral Challenge of Faust” / an...


“Offering” photo by Bruce Donehower Summer Break! Last night — in a hybrid meeting on the porch — we celebrated the completion of sixteen months of weekly Zoom meetings for friends and members of the Section for the Literary Arts & Humanities. A Milestone! Our...

James Joyce, Modernism, & the Unborn

At our recent Section meeting, I introduced the topic of Literary Modernism and took a look at the novel Ulysses by James Joyce.  Art, Spirit, Epiphany A Waldorf Perspective   “James Joyce, the twentieth century literary giant, had a vision of the arts. He saw...

Spirit Remembering

"Bisonte Magdaleniense polícromo” Cave of Altamira Here is a summary of the recent Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on June 19, 2021 via Zoom. "Time past and time future What might have been...


“Liberation” by Marc Chagall, 1932 Here is a summary of the recent Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on June 12, 2021 via Zoom. "At a Glance . . .” “Poetry Night" We held our second poet’s...

Poetry Night / June 12, 2021

Illuminated poem by William Blake A Celebration of Poetry and Poets On June 12, 2021, the friends and members of the local group of the Section for Literary Arts and Humanities hosted the second Poets Salon of original poetry for 2021. We are fortunate that our local...

Novalis & The Healing Art of Fairytale

"The fairytale is mightier than philosophy!" -- Bruce Donehower, after Novalis     This 20-minute lecture video is from a Section meeting held in Fair Oaks on November 20, 2020.   https://vimeo.com/583886003   Lecture by Bruce Donehower (20 min)...

Owen Barfield

“Sehnsucht” Photo by Bruce Donehower Here is a summary of the recent Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on June 5, 2021 via Zoom. "At a Glance . . .” “Owen Barfield: The Soul of a Word” Fred...

“Sumer is icumen in”

Here is a summary of the recent Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on May 22, 2021 via Zoom. "At a Glance . . .” "Sumer is icumen in . . ." We began the meeting with a quick “calendar set” for...

The Enigma of Beauty

Here is a summary of the recent Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on May 15, 2021 via Zoom. "At a Glance . . .” The Enigma of Beauty We turned once more to Friedrich Schiller’s Letters on the...

Happy Birthday, Novalis! / 2021

On May 2, 2021 the friends and members of the Section for Literary Arts and Humanities group in Fair Oaks met to celebrate the 249th birthday of Friedrich von Hardenberg, the poet Novalis (May 2, 1772). This “New Moon Salon” occurred on Zoom – an artistic hour of...

The Stars of the 1790s

Here is a summary of the recent Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on May 1, 2021 via Zoom. "At a Glance . . .” The Stars of the 1790s / Brian Gray's Presentation On Saturday, May 1 Brian Gray...

Christian Morgenstern: An Introduction by Clifford Venho

“Night Song of Fish.” Poem by Christian Morgenstern   In this video recording from a Section Zoom meeting held on April 24, 2021, poet Clifford Venho shares a 34-minute introduction to Christian Morgenstern. https://vimeo.com/542245838     We Have Found...

Finding a Path

Here is a summary of the recent Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on April 24, 2021 via Zoom. "At a Glance . . .” Welcome, Christian Morgenstern! On Saturday we welcomed once more to our...

Poetry Night, April 17, 2021

Here is a summary of the recent Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on April 17, 2021 via Zoom. "At a Glance . . .” Poetry Night! Our weekly local meeting of the Literary Arts & Humanities...

Orpheus, Rilke, Novalis

Here is a summary of the recent Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on April 10, 2021 via Zoom. "At a Glance . . .” Our weekly local Literary Arts Section meetings have resumed after a two-week...

A Secret Word

Here is a summary of the recent Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on March 20, 2021 via Zoom. "At a Glance . . .” Terry joined our meeting to give a presentation. Terry also shared with our...

The Enchanted Garden

Here is a summary of the recent Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on March 13, 2021 via Zoom. "At a Glance . . .” The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily. Once again, we spent the entire...

A Night with Novalis

“When the Morning Stars Sang Together” by William Blake Here is a summary of the recent Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on February 27, 2021 via Zoom. "At a Glance . . .” Eurythmist and poet...

A Night at the Opera

Here is a summary of the recent Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on February 20, 2021 via Zoom. "At a Glance . . .” A Night at the Opera. Thanks to Marion and Nicholas, Mozart and Ingmar...

Goethe’s Narrated Opera

“The Procession to the Bridge” by Hermann Linde Here is a summary of the recent Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on February 13, 2021 via Zoom. "At a Glance . . .” On February 13 we continued...

Under the Sign of Friendship

Here is a summary of the recent Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on February 6, 2021 via Zoom. "At a Glance . . .” On February 6 we continued our 2021 work on the Fairy Tale of the Green...

The Time Is At Hand!

"Family of Saltimbanques" by Pablo Picasso Here is a summary of the recent Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group that occurred in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on January 30, 2021 via Zoom. "At a Glance . . .” On January 30 we...

A Moment of Redirection and Opportunity

“The Boy” by Amedeo Mogdiliani "At a Glance . . .” On January 23 we began our meetings for 2021. For the time being, we will continue to meet for an hour each Saturday We reviewed the publication Stil, a joint effort of the Section for Literary Arts and the Visual Art...

“A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens

Original Cover of the 1843 Edition An abridged performance narration for the New Year, 2021 https://vimeo.com/496245692 This performance video of the famous Dickens’ tale was done at the invitation of the Fair Oaks Faust Branch as part of their Holy Night schedule....

An Advent Celebration

“The Niccolini-Copwer Madonna” by Raphael Here is a summary of the recent Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on December 19, 2020 via Zoom. "At a Glance . . .” This was our last meeting for the...

Advent Salon

Here is a summary of the recent Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on December 12, 2020 via Zoom. "At a Glance . . .” On December 12 we had another online literary salon. The details of our...

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