Here is a summary of the recent Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on December 12, 2020 via Zoom. "At a Glance . . .” On December 12 we had another online literary salon. The details of our...

Timeline of Meeting Summaries
Piktor’s Metamorphoses & Novalis
Here is a summary of the recent Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on December 5, 2020 via Zoom. "At a Glance . . .” On December 12 we will celebrate the completion of our work in 2020 with an...
Novalis, Schlegel, Shakespeare: A Fellowship of the Word
“Catching the Thanksgiving Turkey” by Grandma Moses Here is a summary of the recent Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on November 28, 2020 via Zoom. "At a Glance . . .” We discussed briefly...
Finding the Grail in Northern California
An earlier version of this essay appeared in the Yearbook of the Section for the Literary Arts and Humanities of the School for Spiritual Science (Verlag am Goetheanum: Dornach, 2002) and the Newsletter of the Section for the Literary Arts and Humanities of the School...
Novalis & The Healing Art of Fairytale
“The fairytale is the touchstone of poetry . . . everything poetic must be like a fairytale. The poet worships chance.” — Novalis "The fairytale is mightier than philosophy." -- Bruce Donehower, after Novalis This 20-minute lecture video is from a...
Novalis, Hesse & Jung
"November Afternoon" by Alfred Sisley Here is a summary of the recent Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on November 14, 2020 via Zoom. "At a Glance . . .” On November 20, members and friends...
“The Unending Task” / A Parable of Mercy and Compassion
The Boddhisattva Avalokiteśvara / Isabel Stewart Gardener Museum, Boston This video project came about as a Section response to a crisis. Speech artist and local speech artist Margit Ilgen found this parable of compassion and mercy in an old collection of world...
Mahler, Novalis & Scenes from Ellis Island
Here is a summary of the recent Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on November 6, 2020 via Zoom. "At a Glance . . ." Jean Yeager and Tess Parker are hosting an online writer’s salon on November...
Zoom salon for Keats and a new website
Here is a summary of the recent Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on October 31, 2020 via Zoom. Meeting Summary Last night’s meeting was a big one! And very lively! We hosted our first...
Lifting the Veil
“Spring Cloud Study” by John Constable Here is a summary of the recent weekly Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on October 24, 2020 via Zoom. Meeting Summary We began the meeting with a few...
“Alle Menschen” by Novalis
At the meeting of the local Section group on April 18, 2020, we discussed one of the very last poems that Novalis wrote: “Alle Menschen seh ich Leben.” This prompted a lively dialogue concerning translation. I hope we can continue this discussion in future meetings....
Apprentices & Fairy Tales
Here is a summary of the recent weekly Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on October 17, 2020 via Zoom. Meeting Summary We started our meeting a bit early at 6:40 to allow more time for...
Apprentices of Sais
“Still Life” by Suri Oru Here is a summary of the recent weekly Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on October 10, 2020 via Zoom. Meeting Summary We made slight changes to the rhythm of our...
Steffen, Schiller & Sensitive Chaos
Here is a summary of the recent weekly Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on October 3, 2020 via Zoom. Meeting Summary Last night we held our 28th online weekly Zoom meeting of the local group...
Book Review: “The Birth of Novalis”
Preview or Purchase The Birth of Novalis The Birth of Novalis: Friedrich von Hardenberg's Journal of 1797, with Selected Letters and Documents by Bruce Donehower. (SUNY series, Intersections: Philosophy and Critical Theory) Reviews “This book offers, for...
Language & Romantic Irony
Greetings at the season of Michaelmas. Here is a summary of the recent weekly Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on September 26, 2020, via Zoom. "Intimate acquaintance with Novalis means for...
Bach, Hesse & Keats
Here is a summary of the recent weekly Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on September 19, 2020 via Zoom. "Human beings travel many paths. Whoever pursues these paths and makes comparisons will...
Narcissus & Goldmund
Here is a summary of the recent weekly Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on September 12, 2020 via Zoom. Meeting Summary Last night we began our discussion of the novel Narcissus and Goldmund...
Tieck, Steiner & Grimm
Here is a summary of the recent weekly Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on September 5, 2020 via Zoom. At this meeting, we continued our consideration of Novalis. Meeting Summary Last night...
Birth Chart of Novalis
Here is a summary of the recent weekly Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on August 29, 2020 via Zoom. At this meeting, we continued our consideration of Novalis. Meeting Summary This week’s...
A Mysterious Singer
Here is a summary of the recent weekly Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on August 22, 2020 via Zoom. At this meeting we continued our consideration of Hymns to the Night by Novalis. Meeting...
“Handschrift” Novalis
Here is a summary of the recent weekly Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on August 15, 2020 via Zoom. At this meeting we continued our consideration of Hymns to the Night by Novalis. Meeting...
Hymns to the Night
Here is a summary of the recent weekly Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on August 8, 2020 via Zoom. At this meeting we began our consideration of Hymns to the Night by Novalis. We have...
Star Wisdom in Novalis
Here is a summary of the recent weekly Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on August 1, 2020 via Zoom. Meeting Summary Brian Gray joined us last night. Brian talked to us about the stars and...
“Cave Music” & Novalis
Here is a summary of the recent weekly Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on July 25, 2020 via Zoom. At this meeting, we continued our exploration of Novalis and the novel Heinrich...
Friedrich Hiebel on Novalis
Here is a summary of the recent weekly Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on July 18, 2020 via Zoom. At this meeting, we continued our exploration of Novalis and the novel Heinrich...
Conscience & Clouds
Here is a summary of the recent weekly Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on July 11, 2020 via Zoom. At this meeting, we continued our exploration of Novalis and the novel Heinrich von...
Heinrich von Ofterdingen
“He was an environment in which people came to be changed.” Words spoken in reference to Novalis “To those, who judge men by their forwardness, or by their affectation of fashion or dignity, Novalis was lost in the crowd; but to the practised eye he appeared...
The Unborn
Here is a summary of the recent weekly Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on June 27, 2020 via Zoom. In this meeting, we continued our exploration of Novalis and the novel Heinrich von...
Freya, Perseus & Klingsohr
Here is a summary of the recent weekly Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on June 20, 2020 via Zoom. In this meeting, we continued our exploration of Novalis and the novel Heinrich von...
Steffen, Novalis & Dante
Here is a summary of the recent weekly Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on June 13, 2020 via Zoom. In this meeting, we continued our exploration of Novalis. Meeting Summary We again discussed...
Klingsohr’s Fairy Tale
Here is a summary of the recent weekly Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on June 6, 2020 via Zoom. In this meeting, we continued our exploration of Novalis. Meeting Summary Why have I included...
Here is a summary of the recent weekly Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on May 30, 2020 via Zoom. In this meeting, we continued our exploration of Novalis. Meeting Summary Cheryl shared the...
Inward Goes the Secret Path
Here is a summary of the recent weekly Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on May 23, 2020 via Zoom. In this meeting, we continued our exploration of Novalis — with an accent on the color blue....
The Secret Word
Here is a brief summary of the recent weekly Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on May 16, 2020 via Zoom. I’ll continue to send out these summaries, but the idea came up in discussion last...
The King of Metals
Here is a summary of the recent Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on May 9, 2020 via Zoom. Meeting Summary The picture displayed above is a detail from a larger work that hangs in the Crocker...
Magical Idealism
Here is a summary of the recent Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on May 2, 2020 via Zoom. Meeting Summary "Happy Birthday, Friedrich von Hardenberg, gennant Novalis!" As noted in earlier...
Fairy Tales / “Heinrich von Ofterdingen”
Here is a summary of the recent April 25, 2020 Zoom meeting in Fair Oaks. Meeting Summary After a period of “meet and greet” and sharing some personal news and news of the community, we began the meeting with a verse. The verse chosen for this meeting comes from...
Once more, a report on our recent weekly Section for Literary Arts and Humanities “Zoom” meeting with the local group in Fair Oaks. At our meeting yesterday April 18, I started the discussion by sharing a comment from Herbert Hagens. Herbert sent the comment to the...
The World Must Be Romanticized
Easter Greetings! This is my report on our recent Zoom meeting of the Fair Oaks group on April 11. We ran about a half-hour over our allotted time, and we decided to start our next meetings at 7:00. I will schedule the next meeting for an hour and a half. We will...
The Key to the World
Here’s a summary of the meeting on April 4, 2020. Meeting Summary The group in Fair Oaks has decided to study Novalis. We put aside our months-long study of British Romanticism — I’m not sure if we will return to this topic, except in so far as this topic is relevant...
Transition to Zoom!
Thanks for trying out our first online Section meeting last Sunday, March 29. I found this first attempt on Zoom in response to the Covid crisis to be challenging and personally quite energy-intensive, but I came away inspired by our study of Novalis and Heinrich von...
Blake & British Romanticism
Here is a summary of the recent weekly Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on March 14, 2020 In this meeting, we continued our exploration of William Blake and British Romanticism. This was...
Wm. Blake & Mary Wollstonecraft
Here is a summary of the recent Section for Literary Arts & Humanities meeting of the local group in Fair Oaks, CA. This meeting occurred on February 8, 2020 via Zoom. Meeting Summary At the “kitchen talk” on British Romanticism yesterday February 8, I presented...
Literature and Enlightenment
The Crystal Ball by John William Waterhouse At our Section meeting yesterday January 25, 2019 we started the night with verses from The Calendar of the Soul and then acknowledged that the day marked the beginning of the lunar new year (a moveable date) and that...
Advent Salon
“Study of a young woman” by Johannes Vermeer New Moon Salon Celebration Last night on December 14, 2019 many of us gathered for another Section-inspired New Moon Salon. I was pleased to see that the group included friends new to our Section activities and friends and...
Only the Impossible
Friendships and Retrospectives We began the Section meeting yesterday November 2, 2019 with a moment of reflection for two individuals who recently passed over the threshold. The first individual, Jane Hipolito, was of course very important to our work in Fair Oaks....
Shadow Music
“Music” by Henri Matisse Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard Are sweeter; therefore, ye soft pipes, play on; Not to the sensual ear, but, more endear'd, Pipe to the spirit ditties of no tone . . . — John Keats At our “kitchen talk” and Section meeting on...
Au Revoir, Monsieur le Monstre!
“Invention of the Monsters” by Salvador Dali “Herr Doktor, It’s Alive!" We used most of the time during our meeting on September 14, 2019 in discussion of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. Nancy presented Mary Shelley’s biography – and this allowed us to discuss Mary...
The Modern Prometheus
"Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein" by Lynd Ward The Modern Prometheus At our meeting on July 13, 2019 we entered more deeply into our study of British Romanticism, following a thread that leads to our theme: “Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein: Humanism, Transhumanism, and the...
Kafka & Theosophy
“Friendship” by Pablo Picasso Section friends and members in Fair Oaks met on the evening of Tuesday, May 2, 2019 – an unusual day for us to convene. The reason: well, aside from the fact that it was the birthday of Friedrich von Hardenberg (1772-1801) aka Novalis, we...
The Greater Romantic Lyric
“Lake Leman” by Gustave Courbet The Wordsworths & Company On Friday April 26, 2019 we met for a “kitchen talk” on Romanticism. This was followed on the next day Saturday April 27, 2019 by a Section meeting. At the “Kitchen Talk” on April 26 I briefly discussed...
Aesthetic Education
"Petrushka’s Chamber" by Alexandre Benois At our recent meeting on December 15, 2018 we discussed Friedrich Schiller and Schiller’s Letters on the Aesthetic Education of the Human Being. We began the evening as usual with The Calendar of the Soul. Then Marion...
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